B Pharmacy (I,II,III,IV) year - Sem ( I,II) REGULAR/SUPPLE Time table-2023
M. PHARMACY I,II SEM (PCI Regulation) REGULAR/SUPPLE Exam Time table - 2023
Pham D (I,II,III,IV,V)Year Pharm D Regular/Supple Time table - 2023
V Pharm D Supple Time table -2022
IV Pharm D Supple Time table -2022
II Pharm D Supple Time table-2022
III Pharm D Supple time table-2022
I B. Pharm II sem Supple Time table -2022
III B. Pharm II sem Supple time table-2022
II B. Pharm II sem Supple Time table-2022
Pharm D I year Supple Time table-2022
IV B. Pharm I sem (Reg/Supple) Time table-2022
III B. Pharm I sem Reg /Supple Time table-2022
II B. Pharm I sem Reg /Supple Time table-2022
Pharm D (I, II, III, IV and V) Supple Time table
B.Pharm (I, II, III, IV - I & II ) Reg and Supple Time tables
I B. Pharm I & II sem (Reg and Special Supply (I, II, III, IV B.pharm)) Examination Time tables
II B Pharm I sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
I B. pharm II sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
III B. Pharm I sem Reg and Supply Examination Time Tables
II B. Pharm II sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
IV B. Pharm I sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
III B.Pharm II sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
IV B. Pharm II Sem Reg and Supply Examination Time tables
M Pharm I & II sem (Reg or Supply) Examination Time tables
I, II, III, IV, V Pharm. D Reg and Supply Examination Time Tables